Thursday, July 30, 2009

Development Interactive Voice Response service using Mobicents and jBPM

This is my first blog message:)

At the final end I am going to blog about Mobicents Media server and other components of Mobicents platform. How to use it for development of the telco applications. Let's start from one of the widely used telco application

IVR, or Interactive Voice
Response, is one of the most used types of telco application. It automates the interaction (retrieval and input of data) with a database, typically through the use of a touch-tone (DTMF) telephone. Most of us use some type of IVR application every day. Whether it's to check bank balances or transfer funds, manage credit cards, order prescription medicine, verify flight information or check for store hours or locations.

Media server which is responsible for voice and DTMF tone processing is one of the manadatory element of network infrastructure. The modern network suppose that the Media server is a dump thing and is under control from intelligent call controller application which is placed on the signaling way. In other words we can say that Media Server is doing a "black job" for call controller :) But media server still has to provide usefull interfaces for call controller.

All media server work always will be joined with call controller application. Fortunately now the process of writting telco-grade applications is more simple then several years ago. But anyway the telco was traditionaly closed area and is new now for most of the mainstream developers. I think would be interested to start blogging about Mobicents Media server from paper which explains how to write telco application.

So, it is started but not completed yet. Stay turned.


  1. That is a wonderful site. Uncommonly helpful material i found. IVR Applications are our major priority to provide our clients. feel free to ask any question..

  2. IVR application for your word press and much more.....

    twilio IVR
