Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The new release of Mobicents media server

The new version of Mobicents media server has been released. This is a minor release for known bug fixes like RTP event conversation and connection state machine. Documentation (finaly) was updated however still far from ideal. Here valuable feedback on this subject will help to improve.

For donwload the binary use the following link: Binary release

This is a last released version based only on Global EDF scheduler, for next releases we are investigating two options:

- a hybrid of Global EDF and partiotioned EDF with First-Fit heuristic. G-EDF has better result for non-preemtive tasks then partitioning version but its capacity is limited by shared priority queue. Thus the combination of global and partitioning may solve both problems: preemtion and capacity
- Eearly Gap Eearly deadline first (EG-EDF). The another extension of multiprocessor EDF which (on fingers) tries first to find best gap for the task and if can not find uses EDF. In general, it packs tasks more compact (as non preemptive) what allows to take some spare for WCET in case of non-deterministic behaviour.

The expectations from this method sounds very good but what will happen in real life we will know in March, 2012 when next release is scheduled. However if someone want to be in touch with results earlie or want to help us - welcome.

Media server source code: svn checkout mobicents-read-only

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oleg,

    Nice blog! Is there an email address I can contact you in private?
